Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year, Old Resolution

Well, we're at the ending of another year.  Some parts sweet, some parts bitter.  But, this holiday season has been wonderful.  So many great memories were made.  I'm writing this post sitting next to my Christmas tree.  I believe this will be the last day for it to be up.  I'll miss this smell until next year.

Obviously I haven't written in a few weeks.  That was rather intentional.  I thought I'd get through the holidays and start the new year out with a new resolve.  It has been interesting this month.  While I definitely have not been watching what I eat or working out, I have been gearing myself up for really doing this.  Now, I'm always gearing myself up for "starting on Monday..." but this time it felt different.  Instead of it being a frenzied inner argument, I have been peacefully thinking, planning my foods, cooking down what I have in my kitchen, and getting a workout regimen researched.

So, I have made a promise to myself:        Pinned Image

I truly feel I can do this.

Some resolutions I have:
1.  Make working out and eating well a habit.
2.  Find a steady job that is NOT substitute teaching.
3.  Vacuum my house more often; have you seen how much animal hair accumulates in one day!?!?!
4.  Pay down some more nasty debt.  Not that we've got too much left, but I want to be free of it all.
5.  Get pregnant!!

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